Spring is finally here! It was a beautiful Canadian day today. Though it rained while we were in church, this afternoon was brilliant. We went on a family walk and the air was heavy with humidity, but it was comforting, like a blanket. People were out in full force, with their dogs or kids. When we got back from the walk, we ate a meal that my Glenn cooked. It was complete with ham soup, cornbread, and seasoned roasted sweet potatoes. As I was finishing up the dishes, I played songs from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir; Glenn was trying to get Skype working to talk to his sister; my oldest son was making a sheath for his sword out of a cardboard and the youngest three were playing in our backyard. I opened the window and the breeze drifted in. It was one of those happy moments. The moments that come when all your hard work comes together and, though there is nothing really significant going on, there is the sense of goodness.

I'm going to take a moment and take credit for the goodness. I have been experimenting with the energy that I give off. I will tell you that there is power in it. Everyone has energy. Energy is life. If you have ever been around a kind, optimistic person, you leave feeling better about yourself. Their energy is contagious. It works the same way when you are with a pessimistic, negative person. This is not to say that we all can't have a bad day and can't go to a friend when we need to vent. We all need to have bad days - it makes the good days taste so much sweeter. But it is about the spirit about you. It is the energy that you give off on a regular basis.
Yesterday, we were all having a bad day. It was Glenn's birthday and things weren't going so well. I was bummed too, but as we brought out the cake, I decided that I was going to be happy. I wasn't going to let the events of the day affect me that way. I started joking, smiling and ignoring Mr. Grumpy's attitude. You know what, within minutes, the mood changed and we ended up having a great night. It works! Try it.
Pay attention to your energy. It affects your health. It is all interconnected. Optimistic people have more alkaline bodies. Alkaline bodies fight disease.
Energy. Focus. Feel it. And then nourish it and experience the power.
Happiness. Enthusiasm. Optimism.
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